
Hello, friend. I would
like to apologize. I expect that you'll forgive me. I just want to say sorry
for what I've done to you in the past. I know, I was such a immature bitch who had no
life, so rude, ruined, pathetic and less of concern. You used to be my close
friend, but we became enemy since I fucked the whole things up and I've hurt you so bad. You know what? I've always tried to get
some excuse to hate you.
I know I was death wrong. So wrong! So fucked up!
Well, mau memaafkan
gue atau tidak itu bakal jadi urusan lo dengan Tuhan. At least I have guts to apologize and I'm
not what you think I am because I still have a heart. I just want all the good
things and a good friendship come back to my screwed life, even though we're
not close friend anymore. That's all my confession. Thank you.
Here do we first learn
the foundational principles of friendship? Is it next to the building blocks of
preschool, or with our own siblings when we’re young? When do we recognize the
trial and error processes of building relationships.? The abstract qualities of
trust, loyalty, and honesty and their negative counterparts of mistrust,
disloyalty, and dishonesty are eventually solidified as almost tangible
concepts as children reach a certain stage of maturity. How is it, in the
natural development of the human brain and cultivation of individual
personality, that some never seem to reach beyond the stage of the abstract